Sunday, December 8, 2013


For as long as Willa has had her bed she has always been trying to coax the dogs to sleep with her.  They would usually oblige for about 5 minutes and then they would get up and go about their evening.  But lately her bed has been the hot spot in the house  Both dogs have been napping in there and Bosco has been getting in bed with her at night.  He usually ends up on his bean bag at some point but she is loving it.  B has found Belle in there several times in the morning. 

Part of the reason for this new switch apparently is she takes a cup of food back to her room to bribe them for hanging out with her.  She also shuts her door.

Today is the first day I have seen snow since being in Missouri.  Willa is pretty disappointed by that. She would like to build a snowman, thank you very much.

My sewing machine has been getting a workout as I try to finish up some Christmas presents and Christmas bags.  I feel so behind on my gifts but really I think we are in pretty good shape.  Our gift exchange gifts and some stocking stuffers are mostly whats left.

I went to my first Block of the Month meeting yesterday.  I have been in the quilt shop a couple of times and couldn't figure out how the lady remembered my name each time.  After getting to the meeting it was a little apparent how....I was the youngest person there by at least 20 years. I sort of stuck out like a sore thumb.  But it was neat and the ladies were friendly.  Hopefully I will learn a lot about quilting and get some good ideas.

More changes in the Moylan world starting tomorrow and hopefully these will be more permanent if all works out.  I am being vague for a reason, but hopefully soon I can share. It's bittersweet in a way but I think mostly for the best.