Thursday, November 4, 2010

I totally forgot!!


I forgot to mention that in my last post. My dash lights all work correctly now and it's great. Now I just need to get an oil change and all will be well with the world.

It seems like we are on the verge of a major verbal break through. Willa has been saying several words one time, but we can totally tell what they are. The new favorites are Good Boy and Good Girl to Bosco and Belle. She has also learned No! Usually in context too. I have even heard a few thank yous tossed in there.

We also think she might be allergic to strawberries. She breaks out in little round bumps all over her face occasionally and we couldn't figure out what it was because they would always go away fairly quickly. Last night she had some strawberry yogurt for dinner and it finally dawned on me. I am hoping it is something she will grow out of, but I am just so glad it hasn't been worse that it is and upset that we didn't realize what it was sooner.

At daycare I think they have been working on utensils and cleaning. She can use her spoon a little bit even though it usually a big mess. On the plus side she will also wipe her hands and face if you give her a wipe. She even wiped my face for me.

Her love of books is growing!! She finds her Mommy Love Me book every night and makes me read it over and over. I love that she wants me to read to her but I am so ready for a new book with more than 15 words. Paged books are no good since she loves to rip paper. She did bring me a farm book tonight so hopefully we can diversify a little. Whoop Whoop!


ksuJennyP said...

Being allergic to strawberries would be the worst. Good thing she's learning to love books :)