Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend Fun

We had some firsts this weekend. The Kid and I finally got to watch B play softball on Saturday. She also took her first real steps that I have witnessed. These weren't her regular take a step and fall the rest of them. She actually stayed balanced and took 4 steps into my arms. Somebody commented that it was only appropriate that they were taken at the ball field.

She also went to her first state fair. We weren't there very long, but packed in a petty zoo, sheep, cloggers, dinosaurs, and lots of fair food She particularly liked the kangaroo, the pot-bellied pig, and a cow. We thought the zebra was pretty cool ourselves. We saw a green lamb in the livestock barn and had some ice cream there. We walked through the animatronic dinosaur exhibit that was nowhere worth the $5 each we paid to see it, but it was sort of neat. Twisted lemonade was some of the best lemonade I maybe have ever had. Sadly, unlike the Kansas state fair, they don't have grilled corn on the cob or root beer stands. But we had a good time and wore the child out. She fell asleep on our way home and even stayed asleep as we took her out of the car seat.

Much to get done before going back to work tomorrow around the house and for the office. I shouldn't have slacked on Friday. I always pay for my procrastination. Whoops.